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Tianying thepa le boutique qalo 2023 the 11th Shenzhen sesole Fair


Tianying thepa le boutique qalo 2023 the 11th Shenzhen sesole Fair

2024-01-08 16:34:20

Ka la 6 Tšitoe 2023, ha letsatsi le futhumetseng la mariha le oela lefatšeng, ha ho pelaelo hore boemo ba leholimo bo botle ba Shenzhen bo ile ba eketsa 'mala o khanyang o ikhethang ho buloa ha Expo ea sesole. Motsotsong ona o ikhethang oa ho tantša le tlhaho, "China (Shenzhen) National Defense Information Equipment and Technology Expo", "China (Shenzhen) Dual-Use Science and Technology Equipment Exhibition" (eo hamorao e tla bitsoa "2023 the 11th Shenzhen Military Expo" ) karolong e ka boroa ea Chaena, palesa e kholo.

The 11th Shenzhen Military Expo, e le sethala se etelletseng pele indastering sa ho fana le ho bonts'a lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tsa mahlale le thekenoloji, ka pono ea eona e phahameng ea maemo a holimo le lits'ebeletso tse ikhethileng tse ikhethileng, e etella pele kaho ea indasteri ea ts'ireletso ea naha ea mahlale le thekenoloji. "lebotho la batho", 'me e tsoela pele ho khothalletsa kaho ea tsamaiso ea naha ea ts'ireletso ea indasteri e nang le litšobotsi tsa Sechaena. Ho ntshetsapele ntlafatso ya ketane ya boiqapelo, ketane ya diindaseteri, leano le tsamaiso ya tsamaiso, ho thusa ntlafatso ya tshireletso ya naha le sesole, ho fana ka lewa le bohlokwa la ditebello bakeng sa ntshetsopele e potlakileng le ntshetsopele ya maemo a hodimo a indasteri ya tlhahisoleseding ya tshireletso ya naha.

Lisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen sesole FairzcaThepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (2)s2s

Pontšo ena e tšehelitsoe ka kopanelo ke China Peaceful Use Military Industry Technology Association, the National Federation of Industry and Commerce Science and Technology Equipment Industry Chamber of Commerce, Shenzhen National Defense Science and Technology Industry Association, Shenzhen Enterprise Development Exhibition Co., LTD., Beijing Enterprise Development Exhibition Service Co., LTD.

Fang Haiou, Mongoli Kakaretso oa Mokhatlo oa Khoebo oa Tšebeliso ea Khotso ea Chaena, Qiao Xiaolin, Mongoli-kakaretso oa Mokhatlo oa Khoebo oa Naha oa Indasteri le Khoebo ea Saense le Theknoloji, Motsamaisi oa Shenzhen National Defense Science and Technology Industry Association (boetapele ba mehleng ba Lefapha la Lihlomo tsa Metsing), Luo Haiming, mongoli kakaretso oa Shenzhen National Defense Science and Technology Industry Association, Zhao Xi, Motlatsi oa Motlatsi oa Motlatsi oa Shenzhen Zhisheng High Technology Research Institute, Mopresidente oa Shenzhen Science and Technology Park Lekala la Bank of Ningbo Cheng Kai , Shang Haibo, eo e kileng ea e-ba motlatsi oa motsamaisi oa Komisi ea Ntšetso-pele le Phetoho ea Shenzhen, Wang Hongguo, molula-setulo oa Shenzhen Enterprise Development Exhibition Co., Ltd. le bahoeletsi ba fetang 20 ba bile teng moketeng oa ho bula.

Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (3) v78Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (4) t2j

Khetho ea Shenzhen e le sebaka sa pontšo ea sesole ha e etsahale ka tšohanyetso, joalo ka setsi sa naha sa moruo, setsi sa mahlale a mahlale le thekenoloji, Shenzhen e na le motheo o matla oa moruo oa indasteri, o nang le tsamaiso ea morao-rao ea indasteri, e nang le likhoebo tse tšehetsang sesole tse fetang 5,000. , ho theha sehlopha sa tšehetso sa sesole naheng ea China Boroa. Ke matla a bohlokoa kahong ea tšireletso ea naha e ke keng ea khelloa fatše. Likhoebo tse etellang pele indastering le pheletso e nepahetseng ea sesole se senyenyane se seholo se ts'ehetsang ho feta 500, maphephe a fetang 1,000, sebaka sa lipontšo sa limithara tse lisekoere tsa 30,000.

Shenzhen Tianying Equipment Technology Co., LTD. (eo ka mor'a moo e bitsoang: Tianying Equipment) ke eona feela khoebo e sebetsang e koetsoeng Chaena e shebaneng le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele e ikemetseng, tlhahiso, thekiso le koetliso ea litsamaiso tsa pharashute. Hajoale, e se e fumane litifikeiti tse peli tsa Tsamaiso ea Tsamaiso ea Lifofane le Sesole, setifikeiti sa naha sa theknoloji e phahameng ea theknoloji, setifikeiti sa khoebo se secha sa Shenzhen, setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea boleng ba ISO9001, netefatso ea sistimi ea taolo ea boleng ba libetsa le setifikeiti. thepa, le setifikeiti sa thuto ea mokonteraka oa thepa. Pontšo ea sesole ea selemo sena e tlisitse lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa boleng bo holimo pontsong, e bonts'a boqapi le matla tšimong ea lisebelisoa tsa parachute le litsamaiso tsa polokeho.

Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (5)vu1Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (6)2q4

Ka sehlooho sa "ho sireletsa tšireletseho ea boemo bo tlaase ka pelo", lisebelisoa tsa Tianying li bonts'itse li-parachute tsa batho, litsamaiso tsa parachute tsa UAV, lisebelisoa tse feletseng tsa parachute, lisebelisoa tsa ho fana ka li-parachute, le mekhoa ea ho khutlisa lifofane.

Sistimi ea parachute ea batho, lisebelisoa tsa Skyhawk li ka fana ka lihlahisoa tse felletseng tsa sistimi, ho kenyelletsa:

Likarolo tse khethehileng tsa parachute: maqheka a ramjet parafoil, ramjet parafoil, ramjet parafoil ea baithuti, parachute ea tšohanyetso ea sefofane, parachute ea bophelo bo tlase haholo, parachute e chitja, jj.

Lisebelisoa tse thusang tsa elektroniki: altimeter ea dijithale, alamo ea bophahamo, alamo ea sebaka, opener ea othomathike ea parachute, navigator ea ho thella ea parachute, sistimi e bonts'ang ea ho lulisa ea parachute ea ho tsamaisa taelo;

Lisebelisoa tse thusang tseo e seng tsa elektronike: tsamaiso ea phepelo ea oksijene e bophahamong bo phahameng, liaparo tsa parachute, lisebelisoa tse tsamaisang parachute, helmete ea parachute, mokotla oa lintja oa parachute, mokotla oa tlhaselo ea parachute;

Har'a bona, mohlala oa maqheka oa ramjet parafoil o ikemetse o ntlafalitsoe ke Tianying Equipment: T175 e fetisitse setifikeiti sa ho ba moeeng oa Tsamaiso ea Tsamaiso ea Lifofane.

Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (7)xww

Lefapheng la parachute, lisebelisoa tsa Tianying li shebane le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea mahlale a morao-rao le lisebelisoa ho fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa koetliso ea boemo bo holimo ba ho lulisa parachute. Thepa ea Tianying e ikemiselitse ho matlafatsa boemo ba ts'ebetso e khethehileng ea mabotho a rona a ho theola parachute le ho fana ka tšehetso e matla ea lisebelisoa bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea mabotho a rona a ts'ebetso e khethehileng. Theknoloji ea Tianying e nkile karolo ntlafatsong e felletseng ea lethathamo la lithupelo tsa ho thella ha parachute tsa Sesole sa Metsing, sesole le sesole sa moeeng. Batho ba fetang 400 ba maemo a holimo ba maemo a holimo ba nang le liparachute ba koetliselitsoeng sesole.

Ka 2023, Skyhawk Equipment e motlotlo ho phatlalatsa hore e fetohile karolo ea balekane ba National Skydiving Championship, e kenyang matla a macha papaling ena e monate e feteletseng. Lihlahisoa tsa thepa ea Tianying li bontšitse ts'ebetso e babatsehang tšimong ea ho theoha ha parachute, 'me li bile le karolo e ntle ho khothalletsang sesosa sa skydiving. Thepa ea Tianying e tla tsoelapele ho tsetela ho boqapi nakong e tlang, e tla tlisa lintlha tsa bohlokoa le katleho lefapheng la lisebelisoa tsa parachute.

Thepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (11)mtxThepa ea Tianying e nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (12)8hs
Lisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (13)yirLisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (14)jnr

Ka tšehetso e matla ea mmuso bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea lifofane tse akaretsang le indasteri ea li-drone, le ho tloha moralong o kaholimo ho fana ka thuso ea maano, lilemong tse peli tse fetileng, kenyelletso e matla ea lehae ea maano a amanang le sefofane a sa sebetsoeng, nts'etsopele e tla tsamaisa nako e telele. boholo ba 'maraka oa parachute kaofela bo ile ba tsoela pele ho hola. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ts'ireletso le parachute ea tšohanyetso ke melaoana e amehang ea taolo, litlhoko tsa polokeho, litekanyetso tsa indasteri li nka maemo a bohlokoa haholo, sistimi eohle ea parachute e tla fetoha litlhoko tsa indasteri.

Ho nts'etsapele moruo oa boemo bo tlase, re tlameha ho rarolla bothata ba ts'ireletso pele! Joalo ka theknoloji e bolokang bophelo ba polokeho, karolo ea parachute kaofela e tšoana le mokotla oa moea oa koloi, e leng tlhokahalo le tiisetso ea ho qetela ea polokeho bakeng sa sefofane se tlase! ‍

Sistimi eohle ea parachute e ikemetseng e ntlafalitsoeng ke Tianying Equipment e hlahisitse lihlahisoa tse tharo tse holileng bakeng sa litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa sefofane, tse ka fihlelang litlhoko tsa polokeho ea li-drones tsa indasteri, lifofane tse nang le mapheo a sa fetoheng, le sefofane sa multi-rotor eVTOL se tlase.

Bakeng sa lifofane tse lebelo tse tsitsitseng tse lebelo, tsamaiso eohle ea parachute ea T181 e ile ea ntlafatsoa. Sefofane sa lebelo le tlase sa evtol/ low-altitude multi-rotor bakeng sa thepa ea sephethephethe sa litoropo se ile sa ntlafatsoa, ​​'me tsamaiso ea kakaretso ea pharashute ea T191 e ile ea ntlafatsoa. Bakeng sa koloi ea sefofane e sa tsamaisoang ke batho ba mahareng, ho entsoe sistimi ea T200 e sa sebetsoang ea likoloi tsa sefofane.

Lisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (8)7ciLisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (9)75wLisebelisoa tsa Tianying tse nang le boutique debut 2023 the 11th Shenzhen military Fair (10)fcc

Thepa ea Tianying e tla tsoelapele ho tebisa lefapha la ts'ireletso ea parachute, e tsoele pele ho eketsa matsete lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele, ka mafolofolo ho holisa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea tšebelisano 'moho le likhoebo tsa lifofane, ho lula e ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea sehlahisoa le boholo ba ts'ebeliso, le ho loanela ho ba ts'ireletso ea maemo a lefats'e ea lifofane. mofani oa tharollo bakeng sa nts'etsopele e potlakileng ea moruo oa boemo bo tlase!

Thepa ea Skyhawk, ts'ireletso ea pelo e tlase bophahamong bo tlase!