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Reserve Canopy

Personnel Parachute System

Reserve Canopy

The model named"Tieyuying"it is a reliable reserve canopy that features highreliability, quick response gliding performance, predictable operation, maneuver-ability, brake sliding, and landing performance.

    • products (2)qt4

      Product introduction

      • The main canopy Soaring Dragon Through Clouds features a smooth and docile parafoil deployment, specially designed for students and novices with a high tolerance for malfunctions and resistance to airflow disturbances.
    • products (3)zd3

      Product description

      • It is durable, easy to use, and an excellent option for beginners. 

    Product Feature

    ● Reliable and safe, with high fault-tolerance.
    ● Quick and stable opening.
    ● Excellent flying features.
    ● Predictable maneuverability.
    ● Excellent brake performance.
    ● Smooth landing.
    ● 7-cell parafoil.
    ● Canopy area (Sq ft.): 100-280.
    ● Maximum exit weight: 68~136 kg.
    ● Maximum deployment speed: 150KTS (278 km/h).
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