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T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System

Recovery Parachute System

T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System

The T400 series target drone recovery parachute includes a drogue, drogue pouch, drogue bridle, deployment bag, main lines, main canopy, delayed cutter, harness, disconnection adapter, parachute device, and other associated components.

    • T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System14lm

      Product introduction

      • Once the drone receives recovery orders, the controller system opens the canister, releasing the drogue-linked drone into the airflow behind the drone's tail. 
    • T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System1e87

      Product description

      • The inflated drogue in tow extracts the main canopy and straightens the cords. When the main canopy inflates and fully opens (because of the delayed cutter unsealing the binding lines), the drone lands steadily with the disconnection adapter detached. Parachute and drone detach and drone land safely.

    product feature

    T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System1hl5
    T400 Series Target Drone Recovery Parachute System1wnl
    Advanced Main Canopy_28xt
    Advanced Main Canopy_2gm3
    Advanced Main Canopy_2na1
    Advanced Main Canopy_28xt
    Advanced Main Canopy_2gm3


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